Hey Chef, You are the master chef? We have been looking for a long time! Create your own restaurant and make food ...
0Hey! You are a partner in Spongebob's New Pizza restaurant now. It's time to release your passion and patience ...
0The goal of the mobile game is to serve beers to customers who move towards you, the barman. If any customer ...
0Hi, little baby, now you are operating of a small ice cream store. What you have to do is to meet your customers' ...
0Pizza Party is a HTML5 Cooking Game. Serve these hungry customers a good meal! Prepare the pizza they want, ...
0Burger Time is a HTML5 Cooking Game. Serve these hungry customers the best burger! Prepare the dishes they want, ...
0Now you are an owner of a little pet shop and your job is taking care of every pet has been sent here. Give them ...
0Are you ready to make the perfect cake? Create the cake following your customer requisition, in every part, before ...
0Tap to prepare ice cream following the order of ingredients, and sell it to reach your goal before the time runs ...
0SpongeBob runs an ice shop today and he needs some help in his first working day. Can you give him a hand to ...