Try to build a house of cards. Make sure the foundations and lower layers are strong enough to support higher ...
0Play 80 bubble shooter levels for Halloween. Shoot up bubbles and try to remove all by matching 3 or more of the ...
1Grab the same tiles in this halloween game. Grab 2 of the same tiles each time that should be accessible from the ...
0Find all the hidden objects on the Cruise Ship. The map is a hint possibility.
0Play 5 different Mahjong games in 200 levels. Every level starts with an explanation how to remove all tiles.
0Disc Pool game against a computer opponent. Pocket all your discs in one of the four corners. If you pocked the ...
0A Pyramid Solitaire game with Aliens. Combine 2 free cards to a total value of 13. Value of the cards is the face ...
0Click on groups of 3 or more of the same rune items to remove those. Remove all grey backgrounds and/or drop down ...
12Mahjong Connect with a Dark theme. Connect 2 of the same tiles and remove all tiles.